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- Buchanan, Lindal
- Cellio, Jen
- Domingo, Carmen
- Durán Martínez, Irin...
- Francus, Marilyn
- Frye, Joanne S.
- Grandes, Almudena
- Jiménez Muñoz, Franc...
- Kennedy, V. Lynn
- LaChance Adams, Sara...
- Langford, Julie
- Lasarte Alvarez, Car...
- Lewiecki-Wilson, Cyn...
- Lundquist, Caroline ...
- Marder, Elissa
- Núñez-Cortés Contrer...
- Papke, Renate
- Park, Shelley M.
- Powell, Pegeen Reich...
- Rupprecht, Caroline
- Salazar Benítez, Oct...
- Smith, Katy Simpson
- Stitt, Jocelyn Fento...
- Williams, Keira V.
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Tipos de ítem
- Adoptive parents
- American literature
- Canadian literature
- Childbirth
- Children
- Children with disabi...
- Community life
- English literature
- English poetry
- Families
- Family
- Feminism
- Feminism and literat...
- Feminismo
- Feminist literary cr...
- Feminist poetry, Eng...
- French literature
- German literature
- History, 19th Centur...
- Human beings in art
- Human body in litera...
- Human body in motion...
- Human reproduction i...
- Ideology
- Imperialism
- Infanticide
- Interracial adoption
- Lesbian mothers
- Litterature americai...
- Litterature canadien...
- Madres e hijas
- Maternidad
- Maternidad subrogada
- Maternite dans la li...
- Mere et enfant dans ...
- Meres dans la litter...
- Mother and child in ...
- Motherhood
- Motherhood in art
- Motherhood in litera...
- Motherhood in motion...
- Motherhood in popula...
- Mothers
- Mothers and daughter...
- Mothers in literatur...
- Mothers of children ...
- Mujeres
- Parturition
- Political culture
- Popular culture
- Pregnancy
- Prostitución
- Prostitution
- Public opinion
- Queer theory
- Rhetoric
- Sex role
- Sexism
- Social Conditions
- Social networks
- Stereotypes (Social ...
- Surrogate motherhood
- Surrogate motherhooh
- Technology in litera...
- Wome
- Women
- Women with disabilit...
- Working mothers
- Écrits de femmes ame...
- Écrits de femmes can...
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