Advanced courses of mathematical analysis VI [electronic resource] : proceedings of the sixth International School, Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, Spain, 8-12 September 2014 / editors, Francisco Javier Martín-Reyes, Pedro Ortega Salvador, María Lorente, Cristóbal González, Universidad de Málaga, Spain.

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoEditor: New Jersey World Scientific Publishing, [2017]Fecha de copyright: ©2017ISBN:
  • 9789813147645 (online)
  • 9789813147652 (online)
Otro título:
  • Proceedings of the sixth International School : advanced courses of mathematical analysis VI [Otro título]
  • Advanced Courses of Mathematical Analysis Vi - Proceedings of the Sixth International School
Títulos uniformes:
  • Advanced courses of mathematical analysis VI (Online)
Tema(s): Género/Forma: Formatos físicos adicionales: Advanced courses of mathematical analysis VIClasificación LoC:
  • QA300 .I488 2014
Recursos en línea:
Preface -- Organizing Committees -- Part A, Courses: Convex Inequalities, Isoperimetry and Spectral Gap / (D Alonso-Gutiérrez and J Bastero) -- Two Weight Inequalities for Fractional Integral Operators and Commutators / (D Cruz-Uribe) -- Composition Operators on Hardy Spaces / (P Lefèvre) -- On the Boundedness of Bergman Projection / (J A Peláez & J Rättyä) -- Part B, Talks: Meanings of "Algebra" and "Analysis" Between Two Encyclopedias: From the Enlightenment to the Great War / (L Español) -- A Weak 2-Weight Problem for the Poisson-Hermite Semigroup / (G Garrigós) -- Frequently Hypercyclic Operators: Recent Advances and Open Problems / ( K-G Grosse-Erdmann) -- Classical and New Aspects of the Domination and Factorization of Multilinear Operators / (M Mastylo & E A Sánchez Pérez) -- Toeplitz Products on the Bergman Space / (M C Reguera) -- Semigroups, a Tool to Develop Harmonic Analysis for General Laplacians / (J L Torrea) -- Author Index.
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Includes bibliographical references and author index.

Preface -- Organizing Committees -- Part A, Courses: Convex Inequalities, Isoperimetry and Spectral Gap / (D Alonso-Gutiérrez and J Bastero) -- Two Weight Inequalities for Fractional Integral Operators and Commutators / (D Cruz-Uribe) -- Composition Operators on Hardy Spaces / (P Lefèvre) -- On the Boundedness of Bergman Projection / (J A Peláez & J Rättyä) -- Part B, Talks: Meanings of "Algebra" and "Analysis" Between Two Encyclopedias: From the Enlightenment to the Great War / (L Español) -- A Weak 2-Weight Problem for the Poisson-Hermite Semigroup / (G Garrigós) -- Frequently Hypercyclic Operators: Recent Advances and Open Problems / ( K-G Grosse-Erdmann) -- Classical and New Aspects of the Domination and Factorization of Multilinear Operators / (M Mastylo & E A Sánchez Pérez) -- Toeplitz Products on the Bergman Space / (M C Reguera) -- Semigroups, a Tool to Develop Harmonic Analysis for General Laplacians / (J L Torrea) -- Author Index.

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