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- Ayllón, José Ramón
- Balaguer, Vicente
- Bermejo García, Romu...
- Bermejo Muñoz, Loren...
- Bonet, Enrique
- Burggraf, Jutta
- Feijoó, Esperanza
- García Cuadrado, Jos...
- Giménez Amaya, José ...
- Giménez Amaya, Juan ...
- González, Ana Marta
- Gutiérrez Espada, Ce...
- Lasarte Velillas, Ju...
- Llano, Alejandro
- Lluch-Baixauli, Migu...
- Lombo, José Ángel
- López Guzmán, José
- López Moratalla, Nat...
- Martín Algarra, Manu...
- Moro, Maria Luisa
- Moros, Enrique R.
- Muntané, Amadeo
- Munárriz, Miguel
- Pardo Sáenz, José Ma...
- Pardo, Antonio
- Velázquez, Lourdes
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Tipos de ítem
- Agent (Philosophy)
- Bioethics
- Brain
- Cancer
- Christianity and cul...
- Church and the world
- Civilización
- Cognition and cultur...
- Cognitive neuroscien...
- Cultura
- Culture
- Dignity
- Education
- Embriones
- Evolution
- Evolution (Biology)
- Frozen human embryos
- Generic drugs
- Guerra
- Historia
- Human body
- Human evolution
- Human physiology
- Immunotherapy
- Journalism and liter...
- Medicamentos
- Mind and body
- Neonatology
- Neurosciences
- Newborn infants
- Newspapers
- Philosophical anthro...
- Premature infants
- Sociology
- Soul
- Terminal care
- Terminally ill child...
- Theological anthropo...
- Theology
- Universities and col...
- Yugoslav war, 1991-1...
- Yugoslav War, 1991-1...
- Ética
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