Multimedia : A Hands on Introduction. /
Dave D. Peck.
- 1st ed.
- Albany : DELMAR, 1998
- 352 p. ; 23 cm.
This book i,s designed to take the novice multimedia explorer to a quick undersi.inding ofwhat took me many months ofresearch, trial, error, and encrsy to discover. In my personal quest, I have learned what to do and not to do, and hopefully can convey this process to you. Let me si i css that what I have communicated in this text is oniy a small samplin.L; of what is becoming an extremely wide and diverse área of communic; ilion. This fíeld is growing so quickiy There is much to learn and min li to enjoy by being involved in multimedia. Everyone will approach iliis fíeld with different áreas ofinterest and with differ-ent needs. I sil u erely hope that this introduction will help launch many successful endcavors. Perhaps ilie disappointing aspect of writing a book based on technology is liie fact that by the time it gets to you, so much of the 'currentness' will be history. Though new producís come and go, my intention is to introduce some core concepta that will endure for a while, even tliough the producís and technologies will transition rapidly. I have tricí I my best to provide helpfül hints and shortcuts to help you come to .111 understanding of what multimedia is and how to quickiy get youi feet wet and put this exciting technology to use.