Critical theory and educational research /
- 1st ed.
- Albany : State University of New York Press, 1995
- xxii , 332 p. ; 24 cm.
Introduction: Critical Theory and Educational Research 1 Peter L. McLaren and James M. Giarelli 1. Language, Difference, and Curriculum Theory: Beyond the Politics of Clarity Henry A. Giroux 2. Michael Foucault and the Discourse of Education David M. Jones and Stephen J. Batí 3. Forms of Ideology-Critique: A Pedagogical Perspective NicholasC. Burbules 4. Meet Me behind the Curtain: The Struggle for a Critical Postmodem Action Research Joe Kincheloe 5. Some Notes on Power, Agenda, and Voice: A Researcher's Personal Evolution toward Critical Collaborative Research Margaret D. LeComple 6. Ethnography and the Politics of Absence Ronaid G. Sultana 7. Remembering and Representing Life Cholees: A Critical Perspective on Teachers' Oral History Narratives Kathleen Weiler 8. Feminist Educational Research and the Issue of Critical Sufficiency Lynda Stone 9. The Discourse of the Urban School and the Formation of a Therapeutíc Complex David M. Jones 10. Pragmatic Binary Oppositions and Intersubjectivity in an Diegally Occupied School Phil Carspecken 11. Constructing the 'Other': Discursive Renditions of White Working-dass Males in High School Lois Weis 12. Reflections of a Critical Theorist in the Soviet Unión: Paradoxes and Possibilities in Uncertain Times Wendy KohU 13. Participatory Action Research and Popular Education in Latín América Carlos Alberto Torres 14. We Can Reinvent the Worid Paulo Freiré and Moacir Gadotti 15. Collisions with Otherness: 'Traveling' Theory, Postcolonial Criticism, and the Politics of Ethnographic Practice- The Mission of the Wounded Ethnographer Peter L. McLaren