TY - BOOK AU - Gilbert,Judy B TI - Clear Speech: Pronunciation and Listening Comprehension in North American English. Student's book. SN - 0521421187 U1 - 428.3 PY - 1993/// CY - Nueva York PB - Cambridge University Press KW - ENGLISH LANGUAGE - TEXTBOOKS FOR FOREIGN SPEAKERS KW - ENGLISH LANGUAGE - PROBLEMS, EXERCISES, ETC - PRONUNCIATION - UNITED STATES KW - ENGLISH LANGUAGE - PROBLEMS, EXERCISES, ETC - PRONUNCIATION - CANADA KW - LISTENING - PROBLEMS, EXERCISES, ETC N2 - Acknowicd' t'nts n' 'Ib thc studí 'Ib the tCticl; CIcar listen i Clear speak; 1 Rhytii 2 Stops. 3 More- 4 Rhyth' 5 Voidn- 6 CAHICCI 7 Rhyth i v vi test test number ofsyllabics i continLiants cS' 's and continuants: granimar /ó itops and syllable Icngth 25 31 iting on sibilants 37 oicing and syllable Icngth 45 8 Stress: \'d length 54 9 Stress: • .'el clarity 58 10 Word.s .spatterns 63 ; 11 Basic F.' hasis Pattcrn: contcnt vvords 72 12 Basic Ei hasis Pattern: structure \vords 7~, •on 13 Focns 1: 14 FOCLIS 2: 15 Intonati 16 Intonati. 17 Intonatii ;ch patterns uscd fbr emphasis (S'6 iphasizing striiL-tnrc words 94 pitch direclion orquestions 103 thought groups(]) IOS thoughtgronps(2) 113 A Vovvcis B Addition C Studentv \'ork on consonants 124 \'n dictation 132 ER -