TY - BOOK AU - Renvoisé,Patrick AU - Morin,Christophe AU - Olivella,Xavier TI - Neuromárketing: el nervio de la venta SN - 9788490293591 AV - HF5410 eBook PY - 2010/// CY - Barcelona PB - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya KW - Sales promotion. KW - Relationship marketing. KW - Selling KW - Psychological aspects. KW - Sales management. KW - Success in business. KW - Electronic books N1 - Primera edición en lengua castellana: junio 2006; Translation of: Selling to the old brain : how new discoveries in brain research empower you to influence any audience, anytime. San Francisco : SalesBrain, 2003; Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-205) UR - https://www.digitaliapublishing.com/a/20460/ UR - https://biblio.udb.edu.sv/biblioteca/index.php/category/recursos-electronicos/ ER -