Macromedia Dreamweaver : Using Dreamweaver

Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Detalles de publicación: SAN FRANCISCO, ESTADOS UNIDOS : Macromedia, 1999Edición: 1st edDescripción: 440 p. : il. ; 23 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 004.67 M174
Tema: Dreamweaver is a professional visual editor for creating and managing Web sites and pages. With Dreamweaver, it's easy to créate and edit cross-platfbrm, cross-browser pages. Dreamweaver provídes advanced design and layout tools, as well as making it easy to use Dynamic H 1 VIL features such as animated layers and behaviors without writing a line ofco. i-. Browser-targeting checks your work for potential problems on all popular platforms and browsers. Macromedias Roundtrip HTML technology impon- HTML documents without reformatting the code-and you can set Dreamwea to clean up and reformat HTML when you want to. Dreamweaver is fully customizable. You can creare your own objects and commands, modify nenus and keyboard shoncuts, and even write JavaScript code to extend Dre inweaver with new behaviors and properry inspectors.
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Dreamweaver is a professional visual editor for creating and managing Web sites and pages. With Dreamweaver, it's easy to créate and edit cross-platfbrm, cross-browser pages. Dreamweaver provídes advanced design and layout tools, as well as making it easy to use Dynamic H 1 VIL features such as animated layers and behaviors without writing a line ofco. i-. Browser-targeting checks your work for potential problems on all popular platforms and browsers. Macromedias Roundtrip HTML technology impon- HTML documents without reformatting the code-and you can set Dreamwea to clean up and reformat HTML when you want to. Dreamweaver is fully customizable. You can creare your own objects and commands, modify nenus and keyboard shoncuts, and even write JavaScript code to extend Dre inweaver with new behaviors and properry inspectors.

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