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The Social Media Reader [Recurso electrónico] / edited by Michael Mandiberg.

Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoSeries Book collections on Project MUSEDetalles de publicación: New York : New York University Press, 2012. 2015)Descripción: 1 online resource (x, 289 p. :) illTipo de contenido:
  • texto
Tipo de medio:
  • con mediación
Tipo de soporte:
  • online resource
  • 9780814763025
Tema(s): Género/Forma: Clasificación CDD:
  • 302.23/1
Clasificación LoC:
  • HM742 .S6284 2012
Recursos en línea:
Introduction / Michael Mandiberg -- The people formerly known as the audience / Jay Rosen -- Sharing nicely : On shareable goods and the emergence of sharing as a modality of economic production / Yochai Benkler -- Open source as culture/culture as open source / Siva Vaidhyanathan -- What is Web 2.0 : design patterns and business models for the next generation of software / Tim O'Reilly -- What is collaboration anyway? / Adam Hyde, Mike Linksvayer, kanarinka, Michael Mandiberg, Marta Peirano, Sissu Tarka, Astra Taylor, Alan Toner, Mushon Zer-Aviv -- Sociality -- Participating in the always-on lifestyle / danah boyd -- From Indymedia to demand media : journalism's visions of its audience and the horizons of democracy / C.W. Anderson -- Humor -- Phreakers, hackers, and trolls and the politics of transgression and spectacle / E. Gabriella Coleman -- The language of (internet) memes / Patrick Davison -- Money -- The long tail / Chris Anderson -- Law -- Remix : how creativity is being strangled by the law / Lawrence Lessig -- Your intermediary is your destiny / Fred von Lohmann -- On the fungibility and necessity of cultural freedom / Fred Benenson -- Giving it away is hard work : three creative commons case studies / Michael Mandiberg -- Labor -- Quentin Tarantino's star wars? : grassroots creativity meets the media industry / Henry Jenkins -- Gin, television, and social surplus / Clay Shirky -- Between democracy and spectacle : the front-end and back-end of the social web / Felix Stalder -- D. I. Y. academy? : cognitive capitalism, humanist scholarship, and the digital transformation / Ashley Dawson -- About the contributors -- Index.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Introduction / Michael Mandiberg -- The people formerly known as the audience / Jay Rosen -- Sharing nicely : On shareable goods and the emergence of sharing as a modality of economic production / Yochai Benkler -- Open source as culture/culture as open source / Siva Vaidhyanathan -- What is Web 2.0 : design patterns and business models for the next generation of software / Tim O'Reilly -- What is collaboration anyway? / Adam Hyde, Mike Linksvayer, kanarinka, Michael Mandiberg, Marta Peirano, Sissu Tarka, Astra Taylor, Alan Toner, Mushon Zer-Aviv -- Sociality -- Participating in the always-on lifestyle / danah boyd -- From Indymedia to demand media : journalism's visions of its audience and the horizons of democracy / C.W. Anderson -- Humor -- Phreakers, hackers, and trolls and the politics of transgression and spectacle / E. Gabriella Coleman -- The language of (internet) memes / Patrick Davison -- Money -- The long tail / Chris Anderson -- Law -- Remix : how creativity is being strangled by the law / Lawrence Lessig -- Your intermediary is your destiny / Fred von Lohmann -- On the fungibility and necessity of cultural freedom / Fred Benenson -- Giving it away is hard work : three creative commons case studies / Michael Mandiberg -- Labor -- Quentin Tarantino's star wars? : grassroots creativity meets the media industry / Henry Jenkins -- Gin, television, and social surplus / Clay Shirky -- Between democracy and spectacle : the front-end and back-end of the social web / Felix Stalder -- D. I. Y. academy? : cognitive capitalism, humanist scholarship, and the digital transformation / Ashley Dawson -- About the contributors -- Index.

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