B1 speaking skills : the six, themed modules give you non-stop speaking practice /
Douglas, Elisabeth S.,
B1 speaking skills : the six, themed modules give you non-stop speaking practice / B1 and now you're speaking! Douglas Elisabeth, Girimonti Silvia, Samuel Julia. - 1 recurso en línea : ilustraciones - And now you're speaking! . - And now you're speaking! .
English language--Spanish.--Textbooks for foreign speakers
Idioma inglés--Libros de texto para extranjeros--Español.
Libros electrónicos.
PE1129.S8 / D684 2019
428.2461 428.2461
B1 speaking skills : the six, themed modules give you non-stop speaking practice / B1 and now you're speaking! Douglas Elisabeth, Girimonti Silvia, Samuel Julia. - 1 recurso en línea : ilustraciones - And now you're speaking! . - And now you're speaking! .
English language--Spanish.--Textbooks for foreign speakers
Idioma inglés--Libros de texto para extranjeros--Español.
Libros electrónicos.
PE1129.S8 / D684 2019
428.2461 428.2461