Computer Graphics and Applications: Advances in Computer Graphics. /

Computer Graphics and Applications: Advances in Computer Graphics. / IEEE - Nueva Jersey, Estados Unidos: IEEE, 2008 - v. ; 27 cm. - Bimensual - January/February 2008, Vol. 28, No. 1

4-From Chemicals to Creation. 10-Welcome, and Beyond. 12-Digital Games Target Social Change. 18-An Information-Theoretic View of Visual Analytics. 24-Mobrex: Visualizing Users' Mobile Browsing Behaviors. 34-Subsurface Texture Mapping. 44-Virtual Inspector: A Flexible Visualizer for Dense 3D Scanned Models. 56-ScrewBender: Smoothing Piecewise Helical Motions. 64-Virtual Classroom Extension for Effective Distance Education. 75-Cooking Up an Interactive Olfactory Game Display. 79-Tools and Products.



/ C738

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