Neuromárketing: el nervio de la venta /
Renvoisé, Patrick,
Neuromárketing: el nervio de la venta / Patrick Renvoisé, Christophe Morin ; traducción, Xavier Olivella. - Primera reimpresion. - 1 online resource (206 pages)
Primera edición en lengua castellana: junio 2006. Translation of: Selling to the old brain : how new discoveries in brain research empower you to influence any audience, anytime. San Francisco : SalesBrain, 2003.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-205).
Sales promotion.
Relationship marketing.
Selling--Psychological aspects.
Sales management.
Success in business.
Relationship marketing.
Electronic books.
HF5410 eBook
Neuromárketing: el nervio de la venta / Patrick Renvoisé, Christophe Morin ; traducción, Xavier Olivella. - Primera reimpresion. - 1 online resource (206 pages)
Primera edición en lengua castellana: junio 2006. Translation of: Selling to the old brain : how new discoveries in brain research empower you to influence any audience, anytime. San Francisco : SalesBrain, 2003.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 203-205).
Sales promotion.
Relationship marketing.
Selling--Psychological aspects.
Sales management.
Success in business.
Relationship marketing.
Electronic books.
HF5410 eBook